
Angelicism, A User Guide
Instructor: Angelicism01
Program: Workshop
Credit(s): 1
Date: January 23th, February 6th, February 20th, March 6th.
Time: 14:00-16:30 ET
Enroll – 225 USD

Angelicism01, Untitled, 2024.

DESCRIPTION: Angelicism/angelicism01 is a system of online posting that achieved niche celebrity status from the summer of 2021 onwards, marking a crucial moment in internet culture, philosophy, and art history. Angelicism01 is known for coining the term ‘vibe shift,’ for the use of online ‘clone’ accounts, the cultivation of meme art, the development of internet cinema, and a unique and evolving philosophy of extinction. As a form of pure open intelligence, angelicism will come to name what is endless and open in both directions (finitude and infinitude, offline and online, extinction and the material soul), a new type and style of abbreviated education that is unthinkable outside the layered context of ‘being online.’

Anyone can create angelicism clone accounts, or variations on angelicism accounts, even children. With the lightest task-load possible, we will allow ‘users’ into the space of angelicism, from the conceptual origins to the features of our online presence. We will then dedicate two sessions to angelicism film, where we will work with angelicism01 as director to produce documentary-internet-cinema hybrids. The workshop will culminate in the making of an ‘angelicism film segment’ by each participant.

In our videoconferences, a visually and sonically coded angelicism01 will teach alongside Film01 producer Lola Jusidman. Between sessions, a discord channel will host experiments and ‘hands-on’ exercises in conjunction with the workshop.

Session 1: infinite internet, finite life, and angelicism’s conceptual space

We will survey the ‘space’ of angelicism and its expression in internet ‘posting’: what is a ‘post’? Does a ‘post’ have a different meaning to other forms of self(-positing)? Angelicism will be presented as a system of general plasticity tuned to the bi-directional nature of extinction qua extinction. In such a system, posting no more posits extinction than it posits absolute formal ontology in its Badiouian sense. The meeting point here, in the common set that takes the finite and infinite as inner and outer brackets, might be zero sharp (0# or 01), what Badiou calls ‘a secret finitude of the absolute itself’. Extinction realism as in Tom Cohen’s work will be synthesized with ‘secular inexistence’ as it figures in Honor Levy’s My First Book. By the end of this first session, we will also have an overview of the practical aspects of the workshop, and ‘users’ will start to determine the form of their project, an ‘angelicism film segment.’ 

Session 2: archive, clone, and terrain 

The space of angelicism as namelessness, facelessness, and universality. The protection of purity through anonymity, and of offline space through emptiness cloning, already post-everything, entering into namelessness and answerlessness (Malabou 2024). We will study the impersonal populism of the internet and the international clone phenomenon which came together on X (formerly ‘Twitter’) in angelicism’s first phase. Then, angelicism as internet-ark: whether, why and how to archive the end of the world. This vision of the internet and its uses will lay the groundwork for the following sessions on making angelicism film. 

Session 3: making Film01, internet cinema and posting film

Source: the internet. The principles of Film01. This session will span recruiting a Film01 production team (noticing star power and latent talent), sourcing material, soft and hardware tools, group editing, AI-human mergers, technical and formal innovations, the four (plus) modes of angelicism montage (#angelicism #omega #rainbow #ciara), and our style of screening and distribution. We will review the making of key passages in Film01 from a technical and conceptual POV. We will then workshop sketches for student’s final ‘film segments’ and discuss the group’s conceptual and technical questions. 

Session 4: beyond Film01 (after the ‘one artwork per century’)

Angelicism moves via lightweight-weightlessness of production and gravity of effect. We’ll study the films of Lav Diaz, Marguerite Duras, Hubert Sauper, and others, and work with angelicism01 as director in the crafting of new documentary internet cinema hybrids. We will view and give feedback on each other’s film work. We will probe the possibility of taking cinema with us beyond Film01. What, now, can a film contain and duress? 


IMAGE: Angelicism01, Untitled, 2024.

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Enroll – 225 USD