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Membership Overview

ACCELERATE ACADEMIA: As a member, you will become part of a research network through which to workshop ideas and develop practical knowledge in a manner that accelerates, intensifies and transversalizes existing academic frameworks. The New Centre is an expanding network of organizers, affiliates, members and friends from a vast array of fields and disciplines including digital pedagogy, computer programming and scholarship in the arts and sciences. We are coming together to assist those interested in seeking knowledge in arts, sciences and humanities. Our goal is to augment conventional research practices of reading and learning at the graduate level.

ECOLOGIZE KNOWLEDGE: As a member of The New Centre, you will gain access to connections, resources and services that ecologize what otherwise might remain isolated practices of knowledge production and distribution. The success of the membership drive will facilitate group research projects, the maintenance of affordable enrollment fees for graduate-level seminars, the offsetting of overall operating costs for the year, and the provision of more adequate payments to the instructors for their work. In addition, funds raised will be applied towards scholarships for those who deserve to study with us, but cannot afford our programs.

SHAPE THE FUTURE: As a member, you will ensure democratic control over The New Centre through voting participation in our annual general meetings, thereby assisting the Organizing Committee and the Board of Directors the future plans of the organization. Further, by becoming a Member or a Friend of The New Centre, you will directly contribute to the development and sustainability of the institution, while holding those of us involved with the day to day activities accountable for the quality of our work and the effectiveness of our actions.

Membership with The New Centre will engages you as a part of our mission to accelerate academia, ecologize knowledge and shape the future, both inside and outside the institution. Any additional funds raised beyond our initial goals will go towards recapacitating what The New Centre can do, including planning and holding an annual Summer Program, organizing symposia and conferences, launching a publishing platform and digital library, and organizing a working group to develop The New Centre’s website into an open-source and non-commercialized social media nexus.

The New Centre offers several levels of membership in addition to regular seminar enrollment, which together enable us to offer affordable graduate-level seminars, provide access to our archived seminar videos, plan and hold our summer school, organize symposia and conferences, facilitate group research projects, and enable members to distribute their materials on our mailing list, amongst other services. Aside from helping to support the operating costs of The New Centre, our paid memberships ensure democratic control over the institution by providing voting participation in our annual general meeting.


Seminar Enrollment

Seminar enrollment is available without prerequisites, and regardless of Membership, Friendship, or admittance into a New Centre Certificate Program. By being enrolled, you get a chance to closely work with your instructor and other enrolled students on the topic of the seminar. Enrollment will entitle you to access our video archive from the day you pay for the seminar until 8 weeks after the last seminar session. Enrolled students also get access to all the seminar material via Google Classroom. Credits and payments spent on all enrolled seminars can be rolled forward into a future certificate program application if they were taken within 12 months of the application being made.

To see The New Centre Refund Policy CLICK HERE.

Institutional Services

As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, many institutions have been relying on our experience and services to quickly make the transition of having their education programs or other services available online. The New Centre, with nearly seven years of experience providing online educational programs, can be helpful in these areas:

1- Institutional Membership /// COST: 500-2000 Euro per institution (based on The New Centre’s internal assessment of the institution’s size and financial abilities)

- Unlimited number of New Centre user accounts which includes unlimited cloud Space with Google Drive
- Access to Live-Audit our Seminars on The Zoom Platform as they happen
- Access to The New Centre’s own Archives of recorded past Seminars
- Access to previous Seminar’s syllabi, reading materials, and in-class chats

2- Providing Moderating Services /// Cost: 100 Euro per hour (minimum 2 hours) 

Before the start of your Program:
- Creating a list of all participants, Instructors, and guest and ensuring their access to all the online components of the Program ie, the zoom/hangout platform, Google Classroom, Archived videos,
- Notifying everyone involved a week before the Program
- Automated 24-hour prior notification for each Session, ensuring maximum student participation
- Maintaining the virtual floor of the Session, switching the camera between participants, muting and unmuting, and keeping the order, allowing the instructor to actually focus on the job of teaching
- Keeping the record of attendance
- Archiving the classroom chat, the readings, and the video recording of the Session
- Technical support for students and instructors during the session and in between sessions via email and chat
- Technical Services and training for Instructors and Students*
- Technical Service, support & training for how to broadcast and integrate a live session from a social media platform on multiple platforms (Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc)

3- Providing Zoom training /// COST: 60 Euro per hour for groups as large as ten users (minimum 2.5 hours)

- New Centre staff can train any number of students and instructors on using Zoom and maximizing benefits from the platform.
Every member of your institutional group will receive Membership services. For a full list of Membership services please visit Annual & Monthly Memberships Information on The New Centre, available on Art & Education Platform. 







The New Centre for Research & Practice is a virtual platform and para-academic institution conceived for fostering new forms of research and practice of knowledge alongside, within, and between the existing disciplines, institutions and technologies. Assembled from an intersection of disciplines, our instructors are well-known and respected scholars, contributing to the ongoing and contemporary production of theoretical knowledge. Our virtual environment allows global access to seminars led by academic researchers in the disciplines of Critical Philosophy, Art & Curatorial Practice, Transdisciplinary Studies and History, Design & Worldmaking
Since its inception in 2014, The New Centre has continued to assemble a space of knowledge for our Members, based on our events, social media groups and growing archive of video seminar recordings. Members are integral participants in our expanding network; interconnected to ecologize and amplify otherwise isolated practices of knowledge production and distribution. The geographical and intellectual diversity of our Members generates an environment commensurable to the collective shaping of the future.
As a Member, you will gain access to our entire 2000+ hour seminar video archive, as well as a variety of resources including reduced rates on Consultations, research assistance, mailing-list announcement opportunities. Members can now audit all of our live Seminars.
Membership with The New Centre is 15 USD per month and provides access to all seminars in The New Centre’s archive, access to research resources and peer-to-peer reference assistance, access to posting your own announcements on the member mailing list, attendance at The New Centre Summer School at a reduced rate and participation and voting rights in The New Centre’s Annual General Meeting. General Members are added to the mailing list through which you will receive our monthly email updates regarding our internal seminars/events, as well as relevant external announcements from our affiliates and members (calls for papers or book proposals, conferences, workshops, etc.) Your annual membership of The New Centre can be paid monthly.

To see The New Centre Refund Policy CLICK HERE.

Friends of The New Centre

JOIN – 750 USD

To see The New Centre Refund Policy CLICK HERE.
A Friends of The New Centre Membership is a LIFETIME and is 750 USD. It provides everything available to General Members, as well as a one-time, one-credit seminar, receipt of tax exemption (not available to monthly Friendship members) and thanks in writing in all of The New Centre’s publications. Friends of The New Centre also receive access to all seminars in The New Centre’s archive, access to research resources and peer-to-peer assistance, and access to posting their own announcements on the member mailing list.

JOIN – 750 USD