
Bradley Kaye holds a PhD in Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture from Binghamton University. Has published extensively on communist ontology and the metaphysics of the commons, with essays in the International Journal of Baudrillard Studies, Public Knowledge, his dissertation on Foucault, Deleuze, and anti-psychiatry was published as “Critical Madness Theory: A Way of Interpreting Irrational Behavior as Political Action” (Edwin Mellen; 2013); and his East-West Philosophy was published as “The Boundless Open Sea: Essays on Zen and Critical Theory” (No Frills Buffalo; 2014), current projects include a forthcoming article in Fast Capitalism, “Biopolitics and the Infected Community: Foucault, Sartre, Esposito, Butler,” a book of the same title is forthcoming from the Edwin Mellen Press, along with “Bullying and Bullying Institutions” also forthcoming from the Edwin Mellen Press.