
Neomadness, Studies of Dream and Derangement
Instructor: Jason Mohaghegh Date & Time: Sundays February 7, 14, 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28. 11:00 to 13:30 ET

DESCRIPTION: This seminar attempts to break the prime law of all psychoanalysis by dreaming of still-unborn forms of madness. Thus symptomatology is projected forward into the alleys of imaginative possibility, conceiving an experimental method whereby the psyche itself becomes a narrative plaything (following a “choose your own adventure” model). In essence, to ask what lies beyond the known outer limits of delirium and derangement.
Consequently, this seminar will supersede the categories of schizophrenia, mania, neurosis, delusion, paranoia, melancholia, and obsession by allowing lunacy to enter those prismatic chambers of conjecture and hypothetical reinvention never seen before. A Pandora’s Box of inexistent psychoses or hidden labyrinth of insane consciousness. To achieve this end, we will resurrect some of the most iconic lunatic writers of the past centuries from across the world, asking what they might have experienced otherwise (shadow-diagnosis), abandoning analysis of “actual” syndromes in order to turn their words/sensations elsewhere (toward our own prisms of neo-madness). No longer the interpretation of dreams, but rather the dreams of interpretation (bordering on hallucination).

IMAGE: Van Gogh, Roadway with Underpass (Le viaduc), 1887

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