
Myth of the Master:
Philosophy of the Unstoppable
Instructor: Jason Mohaghegh Date & Time: Sep 26, Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, Nov 7, 14, 21 9 to 11:30 AM ET

DESCRIPTION: This seminar explores the figure of the Master as a will to chaos: namely, one combining elements of the unparalleled, the visionary, and the unstoppable. We will look to those strange, iconic personalities who led underground movements, secret societies, forbidden associations, cult gatherings, urban gangs, martial arts orders, outlawed guilds, artistic circles, and rebel cadres. We will study the Master’s dark/enchanting shadow as a delicate orchestration of concealment, seduction, domination, obscurity, awe, and sacrifice.

What specific prototypes of power and becoming belong to the Master alone—revolutionary, criminal, aesthetic, religious, mystical, magical, or avant-garde? What specific criterion, rituals, or tests establish this right to supremacy? How does the Master attain the farthermost levels of human imagination to form a creative-destructive pendulum-like no other? From Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” to Antonin Artaud’s “50 Drawings to Murder Magic,” from Joyce “Mansour’s Screams” to Helen Cixous’s “Laugh of the Medusa” and several lesser-known works, a textual hall of mirrors will arise on all sides. Moreover, we will follow 8 conceptual ciphers—those of The Enemy, The Tower, The Chasm, The Planet, The Omen, The Corpse, The Storm, and The Labyrinth—in order to unlock dimensions of the Master’s destiny.

IMAGE: Charles Manson, Untitled, circa 1960s

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