Joel White is a Research Affiliate of the Research Network for Philosophy of Technology and executive editor of Technophany, the Network’s academic journal (Radboud University Press). His research is situated in the emerging transdisciplinary field of continental philosophy of media, science and technology, currently focusing on how 19th-century thermodynamics was received into philosophy and literature and how scientific concepts, including ‘energy,’ ‘entropy’, and 'information' have become philosophical concepts. He has published articles and book chapters related to this research, including on the notions of signification, energy and education in Educational Philosophy and Theory; art and entropy in Aesthetic Literacy; entropy and form in Pli: Warwick Journal of Philosophy; Kant and Digital Immortality in Aesthetics and Phenomenology, information overloading and the internet in Parallax and has a book chapter out on life’s entropic indeterminacy in Contingency and Plasticity in Everyday Technologies (Rowman and Littlefield), edited by Natasha Lushetich, Iain Campbell and Dominic Smith. He is also a published translator of the French 20th-Century avant-garde, having published a book-length translation of Anontin Artaud's Revolutionary Messages (Bloomsbury). An active cinematographer and colourist, his films in collaboration with artist Madison Bycroft have also been nominated and shown at the Villa Medici Film Festival and Anne Arbour film festival.