Programmer Jason Mohaghegh


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To apply to the Transdisciplinary Studies Program, Please complete The New Centre's Application Form.

The New Centre’s Transdisciplinary Studies Program aims to explore the vast interfaces of thought, atmosphere, movement, materiality, and creative imagination. Visionary figures of avant-garde worlds already recognized the powerful possibilities arising from this traversal and distortion of dimensional boundaries. Thus, the Transdisciplinary Studies Program explores this unique collusion between literature, anthropology, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, media theory, the arts, sciences, design, and vernacular knowledge by engaging with strategies that capture complexity, cultivate new ecologies of knowledge, and affect individual and collective transformations. This program offers theoretical and practical support to enhance and realize issue-based transdisciplinary projects unrestricted by the constraints of any one discipline. It provides a new vocabulary and grammar adequate for making sense of the future-oriented practices of our complex contemporary world. The program provides support and access to resources and community, offering seminars that cannot fit into a discipline-specific schedule, but are at once between, across, and beyond all disciplines. This program is ideal for those interested in research across specializations and professions; including graduate students designing theses and dissertations and undergraduates seeking to enhance their skills in research methods, qualitative research, interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary / transdisciplinary approaches from a range of perspectives, and arts-based or community-based researchers. The program is also ideal for those who are professionally involved in sciences, including computer science, helping them develop the language to link their practical concerns and professional practice to larger philosophical, cultural, and political questions.

REQUIREMENTS: All certificate students will complete ten credits of seminars with The New Centre, with a minimum of four having to be taught by the Programmer of their Certificate of choice. The two remaining credits will consist of a consultancy with our Organizer, Mohammad Salemy, and the proposal, production, and publication of at least one full-length essay in a reputable online or print periodical venue or a substantial artistic or curatorial project with a reputable institution. The Programmer will supervise this project in two meetings which must be scheduled after completing the Seminar credits requirements. The certificate Programmer will closely assist all Certificate Students in achieving these requirements and liaising with potential publications, project execution, and internship venues.

To apply, complete The New Centre's Application Form.