
Publishing Workshop:
Methodologies for Writing & Dissemination
Instructor: Maria Ines Plaza Lazo Date & Time: January 21 February 4th, 18th, March 3rd. 14:00-16:30 ET

DESCRIPTION: This Workshop presents publishing as a daily practice. Like memes, social media posts and conversations, publishing can take a meaningful role in the hyper circulation of information, if done reflectively, or just be a grain in a pile of sand, if just following the trends. This workshop looks to discern collectively between knowledge production and wishful thinking; between real obsessions and superficial purposes. It will focus on the publishing of Arts of the Working Class (AWC), a multi-lingual street journal on poverty and wealth, art and society. Both as a political pamphlet and a Gesamtkunstwerk (transdisciplinary art), AWC turns into a tool both of active organization and deep research. The two sides of this coin couldn’t be more contrasting For that reason, the Seminar invites Erin Segal, social worker and publisher of Thick Press, to talk about her work, as well as Jonas von Lenthe, to address the archival materials that are today.

Session 1-Introduction the structure and struggles of Arts of the Working Class: Publishing without certainties is to be certain about you look for in numbers, colors, contributions, paper materials, and shipping destinations. Introduction of the practical aspect of the Seminar

Session 2-Collaborating out of necessity and joy: A discussion with Thick Press (Erin Segal) as an example. as well as the presentation of their book projects. Disacussion of the name, form and content of the final project.

Session 3-Publishing as an interrelation to curatorial and archival work: The experience of Jonas von Lenthe and Wirklichkeit Books at Bauhaus Imaginista and Kunstverein München. Discussing and commenting on the final project’s first draft.

Session 4-Wrap Up: How would you do it? Group Presentation, followed by peer-to-peer reviews, final look at the publication.

IMAGE: Arts of the Working Class Covers

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