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IMAGES: Jeff Perrot, Construction (Natural), 2021-22, detail | Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, Rage is a machine in times of senselessness, 2024, Installation view, La Biennale de Venezia: Foreigners Everywhere, Arsenale Corderie, Venice, 2024 | Rhea Myers, Blockchain Aesthetics, 2014-2015

Scholarship applications for The New Centre’s online Certificate Programs in Critical Philosophy, Art & Curatorial Practice, History, Design & Worldmaking, and Transdisciplinary Studies are open until March 24th. To apply, please complete this application form and submit a writing sample alongside a cover letter outlining your intellectual interests and financial need. Applicants from the Global South automatically receive a 50 percent scholarship on our affordable tuition fees. Learn about our scholarship options and read testimonials from our students.

Over the last ten years, The New Centre has remained independent of state and institutional funding, forging a path beyond academic or artistic orthodoxies and hype cycles while bringing together established and emerging thinkers to confront the most urgent questions of our time. Artworks featured in this announcement are by our researchers and alumni Jeff Perrott, Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, and Rhea Myers.

Our Spring/Summer 2025 season will feature courses with contemporary takes on Gilbert Simondon, Immanuel Kant, Kojin Karatani, Sigmund Freud, and others. They will also touch on topics such as war, worldmaking, thermoinformatics, theories of the avant-garde, computer game programming, philosophy of mathematics, and the history of concepts. We will also take a self-reflexive look at the emergence of new institutions and the growing relevance of parallel academia.

These upcoming Seminars and Workshops will be taught by Andrea Cetrulo & Adam JonesAnna LongoCécile MalaspinaChristopher DanielFranziska Aigner & Austin GrossJason MohagheghJoão Enxuto & Erica LoveJoel WhiteJ.P. CaronMatt HareMatthew DonovanMohammad SalemyMichael Marder, Reza NegarestaniRichard HamesRômulo MoraesSean TatolThomas Moynihan, and Václav Janoščík.

During our application period, we are offering two-year and one-year Memberships at highly reduced rates. Members can access our Archive, which contains 2000+ hours of content delivered by internationally renowned thinkers, and audit all our ongoing and upcoming Seminars live. Existing members can also take advantage of this offer, extending their current Membership beyond its expiry date. We also offer Institutional Memberships for university departments, museums, and galleries for a flat annual fee of 500 USD during our scholarship application period.

We are also offering our Seminar Credits at reduced rates during this application period. Credits can be used towards upcoming seminars until the end of our forthcoming Fall/Winter 2025–26 season. You can also still enroll in our forthcoming Fall/Winter 2024–25 Seminars and workshops by Carl OlssonCécile MalaspinaJason MohagheghJ.-P. CaronMagdalena KrysztoforskaManuel CorreaRainer HensheRichard Hames, and Sam Forsythe.

In 2024, our publishing platform &&& released a translation of Minor Bestiary by Eduarda Neves. Other recently published books include Model is the Message, a collection of writings from the Incredible Machines Conference 2.0, and Phenomenon & Difference, an aesthetic treatise by François Laruelle, translated by Lindsay Lerman. We are also in the process of reprinting Logiciel: Six Seminars on Computational Reason by AA Cavia and launching a collaborative volume containing contributions from participants of our seminar “What Now? Contemporary Art & the Post-Pandemic Conditions.” In addition, our &&& Journal will continue to publish original texts and translations of important short texts in philosophy, art, technology, and social thought. To submit a text, please get in touch with editors [​at​] thenewcentre.org.

Earlier this year we also co-organized a conference titled Marxism & The Pittsburgh School together with the The Centre for Philosophy of Education at University College London, with keynotes by Amanda Beech, Ray Brassier, and Vanessa Wills. The recordings of this event can be found on our YouTube Channel. Our Programmer Reza Negarestani also participated in multiple public programs around Europe, with lectures organized in partnership with the German Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, Pickle Bar in Berlin, Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP) in Porto, Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL) in Delft, and the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.

In 2025, we will open the first sessions of our Workshops to the public free of charge. Scholarships will then be awarded to those participants who demonstrate exceptional performance and engagement during those initial sessions. Continuing our collaboration with Zeppelin University, we will participate in their #NoFilter lecture series and produce a workshop towards a joint summer school in 2026, focused on the question of planetary survival in the age of artificial general intelligence. We will also collaborate with the Mayrit Biennial of Design and Architecture for its upcoming 2026 edition: our Organizer Mohammad Salemy and Board Member Eduarda Neves were recently appointed its main curators.

Lastly, we congratulate some of our students and researchers on their recent achievements: Libby Hoffenberg for her acceptance into the Painting MA program at the Royal College of Art, Walter Bolitto for his acceptance into the Computer Science PhD program at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), and Frieda Toranzo Jaeger for being included in the 60th Venice Biennale’s curated exhibition.

NEW & UPCOMING SEMINARSAutonomous Self-Creation: Foucault Beyond Neoliberalism. INSTRUCTOR: Anna Longo. PROGRAM: Critical Philosophy. CREDITS: 1. DATE: March 30th, April 6th, 13th, 27th. TIME: 09:00-11:30 ET.