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Past Seminars


Philosophy of Thermodynamics
Illusion Chamber:
Unreality Laboratory 1

Noise And Social Synthesis I:
Reappraising Attali and the political economy of music

The Draw of the Desert
Metaphysics of Pop:
The aesthetic structure of recorded music

Publishing Workshop:
Methodologies for Writing & Dissemination

Sapient Cinema
Earthworks and Waterpower
On the Destruction of Life:
in the Epoch of the Fourth Industrial Revolution information, anti-production and the ecological crises

On the Scissiparity of Geist:
Reason & its Outside

GPT for Arts & Humanities
Individuation according to Simondon

Being There and Not There
Worldmaking between Prometheanism & Perspectivism
Return of the mystery cults

Cartesian Conflagrations
200 Years of Life I
Modes of Transit in the Necropastoral
Self-writing, Autotheory and Autoethnography:
Paulin Hountoundji and the Critique of Realism

Short-form Criticism Workshop:
The conditions for judgment

Long-Form Writing Laboratory
The Flight of Ariel:
Universalism in Latin American Thought

Antonin Artaud and Journey to Mexico
Imagination and Invention

Catechism for Revolutionary Philosophy
Art Writing in Context
Feminism in the canon of philosophy:
A research lab

200 Years of Life Part II
The Geographers that Ate Themselves
Cognitive Mapping:
Althusser, Sellars & Giannotti

Abducting the Future:
Strategic Thought & the Logic of Military and Political Inquiry

From Inference to Intervention:
on the operative logics of machine learning

Critical Collapsology:
Theory and the Ends of Worlds

Variations on the Great Refusal II